What is an OOCC?!
- Open
- Online
- Contemplative
- Community
Please join us in developing a community land ethic…
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Building a Community Land Ethic
What is an OOCC?!
Please join us in developing a community land ethic…
Send us your thoughts! … drop us an e-mail… send pictures…. whatever!
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Looks like the blog ate a paragraph out of this description.
The OOC is based on the MOOC movement (Massive Open Online Course) that started with a few revolutionary educators in Canada (such as George Siemens, Stephen Downes, Dave Cormier, Bonnie Stewart and Alec Couros, among others) before the mainstream picked it up and made it into the gigantic free education communities such as Coursera.
One of the great parts about a MOOC is the self-directed nature of the space. Your participation is for YOU! You don’t get a grade, there is no gold star, there’s no carrot and, best of all, there’s no stick! Don’t feel bad if you can’t do all the assignments or make all the meetings. If you make it to a singe synchronous session, if you meet a single friend, if you come across a single idea because you have participated, it has been a success.
Of course, you are welcome to contribute as much as you like! Start your own pot-luck roundtable! Tune in to our guest speakers! Follow @spiritofland or @onepercentyello on twitter and get the word out! We’re talking about our relationship to mother earth, to each other, and to ourselves. What better topic to bring mindfulness to our lives?
So, we welcome you to our OOCC. Share deeply and widely!