One of the biggest questions that, The Nature Principle drew my attention to the most was, what do we miss seeing, hearing, and knowing because we allow the tangle of technology’s wire to tighten around us a little more each day? What else can we do that we have forgotten?
I have heard time and time again that human’s only tap into a very small amount of our brain throughout our daily lives. Meaning that there is such a vast amount that we do not harness nor take advantage of but how do we harness these senses? Yesterday, I was on my way to lead a seminar for Aboriginal studies. I was feeling rushed as I made a smoothie for the class. I looked in the cupboard to choose a cup for the smoothie, as I reached for the canning jar that I was going to make my cup, a voice came in my mind, “don’t use that one”. Now … I must admit that I am the type of person that can have a hundred conversations in my head, argue with myself, and both win and lose these battles. But THIS voice, it was different. Nevertheless, I shrugged it off and decided it was the perfect cup.
I longboarded to school shortly after, which then I proceeded to fall off my longboard where the glass cup broke and slit my hand open. I was overwhelmed with emotion at the time, yet now that I look back, I can hear that voice clearly. This brings me to another part of the book, poverty of the senses. I see that voice now, as my intuition. For such a long time I have not heard it, or maybe it is that I have not listened to it. I think that if any sense, this is one that I want to learn to listen to it. To be able to discern it in my head but most of all, learn to listen to what it is trying to warn me about.
Like I said earlier, we humans only tap into such a small part of our brains. I do not know how intuition works but there are so many times in my life where it could have been useful if I just listened. The mind, the brain, the heart all give us signals and I need to learn to listen.
I know what you mean on this one! Oh how many times I overpower that voice with my own will, my own determination that I am RIGHT!
Right now I’m consciously working on listening to the knowledge held in my emotional self. This is a new experience for me. My intellectual self is very developed – perhaps too much so! She is a crotchety old woman while my emotional self is a child bouncing about on a sugar high half the time. That intellectual self wants to shut that little kid up! Make her sit still and listen to reason. I’m realizing, though, that she will eventually develop into an articulate and knowledgeable being, if I give her time to explore and develop her own form of knowledge. If I take the time to LISTEN to her.
Listening to something new is so difficult. The strange sounds of a new piece of music stuns the senses. It takes many times through before you can pick out the miniscule adjustments of time and tone that add texture to a piece. I imagine reality to offer the same secrets deep beyond the veil of Maya.