Colin Millang September 19th Inner and Outer Threats to the Family Farm

Tonight Colin Millang spoke with passion on the inner and outer threats to farmers.  For the first time we were able to broadcast on #ds106radio!  Thanks to all who tuned in!  If you missed it, here is the recording.

Colin Millang Part 1

Colin Millang Part 2

Colin Millang Part 3

Colin Millang Part 4

Colin Millang Part 5


3 Replies to “Colin Millang September 19th Inner and Outer Threats to the Family Farm”

  1. In Colin’s talk, he touches on the great depression that he experienced as a part of losing his family farm. He now works with men in groups to discuss the difficulty of identifying and moving forward with life once depression has gripped you. My friend and exceptional writer, Jabiz Raisdana, has spent much time connecting with emotion through writing, music and art. His recent post on sadness reminded me of Colin’s open, honest discussion.

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