recognition – just give thanks

Early in the Spirit of the Land class, we were fortunate enough to visit the Coen farm for a tour of Takota’s fledgling forest permaculture project.  The day was brilliant!  Full of wonderful sunshine, glorious vistas, and fine fellowship in the stunning Coen home.  While Camrose can be considered a rural city, it is still a city, and the chance to get right into the middle of nature is such a grounding and replenishing experience.  This film footage sat in my hard drive for some time and I wondered how I could share it with you all.

Well, fast forward to the Spirit of the Land conference and Takota’s talk about his experience in meditation with a plant.  When we decide to pursue right relationship – be that with the natural world or with each other – there is a certain amount of guilt that we experience for our past actions.  This can be so heavy it hinders our ability to move forward in joy and connection.  For myself, I have this quote – we spend in foolish mistakes the energy that will later be returned as sage-like wisdom.  If you are to carry the guilt of your 22 year old decisions, you must also lighten yourself with the liberating decisions you will make at 44, 66, 88, 110!

For Takota, it was by simply spending time in solidarity that he found liberation from the paralyzing experience of guilt.  I hope I have done it justice.

And please visit the farm’s website!

3 Replies to “recognition – just give thanks”

  1. This is such a beautiful teaching that it brought a tear to my eye listening to it. A delightful video.

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