Caring for Creation Archive March 3rd

In this archive from the March 3rd class,  Dittmar Mündel and Carmelle Mohr open the Caring for Creation series by turning us toward hope and love.  When we look at the multiple pressing issues facing our natural world, our communities and even our own lives, the weight can be paralyzing.  By turning away from fear and toward a deep and personal love for our places and their natural systems, we can act in gratitude.  Affection for creation helps us face these challenges with hope.



3 Replies to “Caring for Creation Archive March 3rd”

  1. May the One, Creator, Universe, Source, Essence …
    continue to help us heal.

    With gratitude,

  2. Thanks Leslie. I don’t think ds106 is broadcasting the April 29 Vancouver session – or I have got lost! But I will be able to listen to the clips you have attached and use the other course resources.

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