Making Peace with the Land – Class, Fall 2015

Making Peace - Class Poster - LandscapeJoin us this fall for a special course and conference at the U of A’s Augustana Campus in Camrose (click for poster).

Roads Scholars’ Class:

This course is open to both University of Alberta students  and local community members. For community members, there is a suggested donation of $150 to the Ronning Centre.

The class runs Thursday evenings from 5:00 to 9:00 pm and includes supper, contemplation, inspiring conversation and enlightening speakers. Every other Thursday evening we are on the road to see practical ways that people are making peace with the land:

Takota - talk on farmDon Ruzicka’s wholistic farm (

Takota Coen’s forest garden (

~  Battle Lake (pictures here)

Community members will form an important part of our learning community. We will share locally sourced meals together at the start of class on the Thursdays we are not on the road.

Hope Beneath our FeetReadings will include Norman Wirzba’s Making Peace with the Land, Hope Beneath our Feet (ed. Keough), and The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King, among others. Classes will include visits to local farmers and businesses to observe first-hard sustainable and ecological practices.

Making Peace with the Land Conference

The course will also be the home-base for the “Making Peace with the Land” conference on Nov. 13 and 14th, with Norman Wirzba, James Makokis, M.D., Dennis Cuku and other innovative ecology educators and business leaders (see:

This will be our 4th annual conference in the Spirit of the Land series. Everyone is welcome to attend. (CO)

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