Commissioned by Blue Quills First Nations College, Alberta, “Gently Whispering the Circle Back” is a documentary exploration of the journey of healing in a people wounded by the Canadian Indian Residential School system.
With dignity and deep sincerity, survivors and the children of survivors share their personal stories with us. We become part of a ‘healing circle’ as participants speak of their recovery of tradition, language, ceremony, and personal dignity. Their stories move us to look inward at our own participation in the ongoing pain of Indigenous peoples and they inspire us to join the circle of healing for the benefit of all. (Dreamspeakers Film Fest 2013; Truth & Reconciliation Commission Hearings: Red Deer, Hobbema)
Kinanaskomtin for sharing. Wish it was longer but I still think it shares a powerful message. Outside walls still look the same from when I was there as a student from 77 to 79. Keep up the excellent work.